Isle of Hope, GA 31º58.756N | 81º03.345W
Boats anchored at sunrise in Isle of Hope, GA. |
Any day that begins with leaving Isle of Hope and heading for Hell Gate seems inauspicious, to say the least. And then we passed this:
Well, dang. Then I look at the GPS and even it is telling me TURN BACK!
Note the yellow arrow, which usually points the direction we should be heading,
in this case telling us to GO BACK, GO BACK!!! |
Hell Gate is known for shoaling and shallow waters, so we left early to pass through at favorable tide having finally learned to use the tides to our advantage.
Also having learned some tricks to narrow, shallow passages, we made it through Hell Gate slowly grounding-free. Onward through placid marshlands with time for reflection -- and blogging.
We dropped anchor before low tide in the early afternoon, in the Wahoo River, alone but for hundreds of waterbirds calling around us. A day that started with eery omens passed ever so gently as years of tension dripped out the ends of our fingers and washed away in a quiet current.
The sun set on the marshy scene and the moon rose over our private spot, the lone evening guests of the fish and fowl.
Wahoo River, GA 31º36.092N | 81º013.008W
Reflective waters along Georgia's marshlands. |
Skidaway Bridge near Isle of Hope. |
Welcome to our Peach State! Wish we had a little time to trailer over and sail a little with the famous Cara Mia ;)